Tuesday 29 January 2008

Latest analysis of the DMIST trial - subset of women under 50 years

In the February edition of Radiology, Eta Pisano reports on some of the sub-group analysis of the DMIST study data.
Radiology, February 2008, Vol. 246:2, pp. 376-383
The subgroup of pre- or perimenopausal women younger than 50 years old with dense breasts was the only one for which FFDM performed significantly better than FSM.
The AUC for digital mammography was 0.79 versus 0.54 for film-screen mammography. Sixteen cancers in this group were found with digital and missed with film-screen mammography, while only two were found with film-screen and missed with digital.

The results also showed a trend toward improved accuracy of FSM over FFDM in women age 65 or over with fatty breasts, but it was not significant, according to the researchers. In this group, 15 cancers were found with film-screen mammography and missed with digital, and four were found with digital and missed with film-screen mammography